Life Drawing Session

At our art school in Cologne Ehrenfeld we regularly offer life drawing from the model. You do not have to participate in our class. Everyone can participate.

  • There are drawing chairs, easels and boards
  • A stage with well-lit models
  • At 18:00 the model is ready. 10 minutes earlier the atelier opens
  • Cozy music, a sofa and sometimes a dog
  • Please bring your own material

Please always sign up in advance in the appointment list. Even if you have a 10 session ticket. If an appointment is cancelled, you will receive a message. And if you can't come, please let us know so that we can free your place again.

Participation with instruction

With your 5s/10 session ticket from our painting and drawing classes.

Or uninstructed

  • One session: 15 €.
  • Students/under 25: 10€.
  • 10 session ticket: 130 €.


Mondays and Fridays from 18:00 to 21:00.
Sundays from 11:00 to 14:00


  • Monday 29. Jul · Available seats 5

    Portrait - 20 Minuten Posen
    Model: Fatima

  • Monday 19. Aug · Available seats 12

    Portrait - 20 Minuten Posen

  • Monday 26. Aug · Available seats 12

    Portrait - 10 Minuten Posen


  • Friday 02. Aug · Available seats 10

    Figure - 20 Minuten Posen

  • Friday 23. Aug · Available seats 12

    Figure - Kurze Posen (2-10 Minuten)

  • Friday 30. Aug · Available seats 12

    Figure - Eine lange Pose


More sessions will be announced

Life Drawing – FAQ

Can I draw short poses on a long pose session?

If there is enough space you change your spot during the breaks.

Will the session take place?

If the date is the list and does not say "cancelled", then it will take place.

Can I come a little later / leave earlier?

Yes, this is not a problem.

Do you have any further questions? Feel free to message us.

  • Man posing in art school for a portrait drawing
  • Life drawings of a female model
  • Standing man drawn in charcoal
  • students at a portrait drawing session
  • Lying man drawn in charcoal
  • quick sketch figure drawing of a man
  • Life drawing session at an art school
  • Quick life drawing of a sitting man
  • Charcoal sketch of a young man
  • Quick life drawing sketches
  • layin drawing of a sitting woman
  • Layin of figurative drawing
  • 10 minute drawing of the female figure
  • Nude drawing of a woman's
  • 3 quick sketch drawings of a man
  • students at a life drawing session
  • a page of quick sketch figure life drawings
  • Charcoal drawing of a young man
  • charcoal drawing of crouching man
  • students at figure life drawing session
  • Lay-in drawing of a woman
  • Quick lay-in life drawing of a woman
  • Quick sketches in charcoal of a woman
  • easels in an atelier setup for a life painting session
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