Fundamentals of Oil Painting with Philip Prinz
In this painting course you will learn step-by-step how to start painting. It starts with material science and some principles of oil painting. You will get to know different colour palettes and paint several small paintings using the Alla Prima method, i.e. wet-on-wet in one layer, as long as the paint has not yet hardened. Over time, you will increase your knowledge of the motifs, the palettes and the complexity - everything is variable, to suit your own learning pace. There is always an instructor present to answer your individual questions.
If you want to avoid oil paints for certain reasons, you can also take part in this course with acrylic paints. For example with Golden Open colours. The principles and methods you will learn work with both oil and acrylic paints. The difference is only in the technique of how you apply the colours. We recommend oil paints.
You should already have some drawing experience for this painting course so that you can concentrate on painting. If you are not familiar with tonal values, edges and shapes or if you are a complete beginner, we recommend that you take our fundamental drawing course first or in parallel.
Workshop Times
The workshop is 15 hours in total. Divided into 3-hour blocks with breaks in between.
10.00 - 13.00
14:00 - 17:00
10.00 - 13.00
14:00 - 17:00
What you learn
- small material science and principles of painting
- different colour palettes
- form, tonal values and colour temperature
- small Alla Prima paintings of objects and photos
- measurement, proportions and composition
Materials for painting
The news is you don't need many expensive supplies to start painting. We will send you a detailed list of materials with buying options.
- 6-8 paints
- A handful of brushes
- Not more than 10 small painting surfaces
- Painting medium with container and a rug
- There is a B&B Hotel right next to the atelier
- If you have any questions leave us a message.