Draw and Paint on your Next Level

Are you seeking individual support to enhance your artistic skills? Whether you're just starting out or if your are already advanced, I bring my years of experience to assist you. Together, we'll identify your weaknesses and goals to create the ideal training plan for you. I'll help you achieve your personal artistic objectives.

Possible Program Contents

  • General drawing fundamentals
  • Figure and head fundamentals
  • Advanced figure and portrait drawing
  • Oil painting fundamentals
  • Portrait painting
  • Character design


  • You should have been drawing regularly.
  • Motivation and time to diligently fulfill assignments.
  • Internet access for high-quality video calls.
Charcoal drawing of woman siting in a chair

1 on 1 Online Mentorship with Philip Prinz

  • weekly assignments.
  • weekly overpaints and correction drawings.
  • Private Discord channel for written feedback.
  • 2 or 4 x 30 minutes video calls per month

In a free consultation call, we can assess together if an online coaching would be a good fit for us.

Mentorship no Call - 1 Month €140.00 ¹
Mentorship 2 Calls - 1 Month €240.00 ¹
Mentorship 4 Calls - 1 Month €420.00 ¹

Philip Prinz

About Philip Prinz

Philip has 20 year experience as a web designer and illustrator. In the beginning he was self taught but after taking his first drawing and painting classes with Ivan Dimov he quickly realised the importance of a good art instructor. Later he studied online and onsite at the Watts Atelier in California, USA.

Instagram @philip.prinz

  • life drawing of a young man
  • Head close-up of a figure drawing in charcoal
  • Oil portrait of a man
  • charcoal portrait of a woman with black hair
  • Lay-in drawing of a woman
  • Frazetta study
  • Portrait of man drawn in charcoal
  • Portrait of black woman painted with oil color
  • Charcoal drawing of woman siting in a chair
  • Portrait of a young woman
  • Portrait of a rhino in oil
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